Archive for December, 2008

Chocolate – It’s Good For You!

Oh, chocolate!  Milk Chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate truffles.  Or chocolate donuts, candy, or cereal.  Chocolate drinks and chocolate ice cream.  It’s all so good, and it’s everywhere.  You’d be hard pressed to go through a day and not see something boasting the flavor of chocolate.  It might be in your home, at your office, certainly at the grocery store, and often on TV commercials.  And, yet, even though it’s everywhere, some people avoid chocolate all together.  What are they thinking?

Yep, some people think chocolate is bad for them.  The facts don’t support this thought though.  There is a lot of supporting research to suggest that chocolate is actually quite good for your health.  For one thing it’s loaded with antioxidants.  Sure you might want to watch out for the extra fat and sugar that often comes with this deliciousness.  That can be a concern.  But overall, chocolate can be part of a rather well-balanced, healthful diet.

Just remember, everything in moderation!

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Posted by Primal Chocolate Therapist - December 30, 2008 at 8:17 am

Categories: chocolate articles, chocolate nutrition   Tags: , , ,

From the Bean to the Bar

There is much more to making fine chocolate than picking a cacao bean and cooking it. Going from tree to chocolate bar takes a special touch to achieve the perfection you’re looking for.

Bean selection is the first step in making chocolate. If the bean chosen isn’t of high quality, the end result will be a less than desirable chocolate.  Therefore, many fine chocolate makers take time to personally select the best beans.

Once a chocolatier selects the beans they are roasted.  The roasting process has a great impact on the finished flavor.  After roasting, the beans are put into a grinding process.  The pulverized mass is called chocolate liquor and is turned into the actual chocolate.

To create the final chocolate bar from chocolate liquor, sugar and other ingredients are added to the liquor.  Then another grinding process called refining is begun.  Refining crushes everything and helps ensure that that the chocolate bar doesn’t have a grainy feeling in your mouth.  Following the refining process, the mix is cooked and stirred in a process called conching.  This step can take place over a few hours or days.  It is at this point that chocolate begins to take on the flavor that most chocoholics love.

After conching, cocoa butter can be added to change the flow.  Then the chocolate can be put into its final form, liquid or solid.  If the final product is in solid form it must be tempered.  Then it is packaged and shipped.  If it took the form of a chocolate bar, now it’s finally ready for you to purchase and eat.  Yum.

For a fun and tasty chocolate education visit Chocolate University Online.

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Posted by Primal Chocolate Therapist - December 19, 2008 at 8:30 am

Categories: chocolate articles, chocolate process   Tags: , , , , , , ,