Archive for May, 2011

Can german chocolate cake be made with just coconut caramel icing and not with the pecans?

Momo Monkey Asked: Can german chocolate cake be made with just coconut caramel icing and not with the pecans?

My german class is having a food day and i’m thinking about bringing in german chocolate cake.  I’m fine with pecans in the icing but a girl in my class has a nut allergy so that’s a no-no. Can i just use coconut and caramel icing instead of coconut pecan caramel? Is this still german chocolate cake? thx appreciate all answers 🙂


mswnana Answered:
Not truly one, but if this girl is allergic to nuts, be sure you read labels of whatever else you put into it, because they can be manufactured in a facility which also sells nuts.

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 31, 2011 at 8:59 pm

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What can I do with chocolate pudding?

Olivia Asked: What can I do with chocolate pudding?

I am really in the mood for something chocolate but i don’t want just plain pudding. Are there any recipes that use chocolate pudding?


cuteasiangirl Answered:
You should look up a recipe to pudding pie! It’s delicious!
You can make a dessert called dirt. You put chocolate pudding in a cup then crumble Oreos on the top layer. Then have a gummy worm stick out of the pudding.Kids love it.
taylor fry Answered:
Milk chocolate.
Gabriela Iris Answered:
bill k Answered:
Taylor Rae Answered:
Milk chocolate, preferably Belgian or Swiss.
Oliver Answered:
Dark Chocolate cuz i has many benefits.
But if you want a really delicious one,then eat Milk chocolate.
cyber101 Answered:
dark chocolate!
yani Answered:
i like em dark(;
Leah Answered:
Green12345 Answered:
Dark…the darker the better;)
Susan Answered:
I sure hope we are talking about chocolate here. White chocolate is the best. 🙂
stormykathrynserenity Answered:
The Shocker Answered:
Dark Chocolate for sure
Shaula Brandt Answered:
I love all three, but I’d go with milk chocolate 🙂

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Incoming search terms:

  • what to do with chocolate pudding
  • what can i do with chocolate pudding
  • things you can make with chocolate pudding
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Posted by Chocoluv - May 30, 2011 at 7:41 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

Strawberry vs Chocolate Ice cream and why?

yaya Asked: Strawberry vs Chocolate Ice cream and why?

They're best together! It's like eating chocolate covered strawberries 🙂


smile630 Answered:
Chocolate & just because I'm a chocolate person 🙂

Jessica C Answered:
Strawberry, because I'm just not a fan of chocolate ice cream for the most part. And strawberry + ice cream = pure heaven!

Escargot Answered:
neither, I love mint chocolate chip

melisa1211 Answered:
chocolate because strawberries are genetically engineered

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 29, 2011 at 11:30 pm

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , ,

If you could only pick one out of all of these desserts which would you choose?

Thomas Henderson Asked: If you could only pick one out of all of these desserts which would you choose?

Angel Food Cake
Lemon Meringue Pie
Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
Strawberry Short Cake
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing
Ice Cream
Carrot Cake

I have dinner parties every Sunday. My husband calls them Football parties… whatever. This Sunday I need a dessert. any ideas???



Chloe Butcher Answered:
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing
Adidas Answered:
Either ice cream or strawberry shortcake 🙂
Sanguine Fratres Answered:
Ice cream.
Krissy T Answered:
Strawberry short cake. Strawberries taste yummy right now here.
Jose Answered:
Brownies 😀
f 97 Answered:
vanilla cake with chocolate icing…mhmmm.
tatyana Answered:
cj Answered:
🙁 no cheescake
aot dnr Answered:
Ice cream. Am I invited?
Cinnamon Answered:
Angel food cake sounds good(:
CL Answered:
Strawberry Short Cake(:
Hera Answered:
Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing
lullaby9 Answered:
do the chocolate cake with chocolate icing and ice cream
or brownies and ice cream
Mahak Mukhtar Answered:
brownies!!!!!!!!! yum

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 29, 2011 at 1:51 pm

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags:

My dog ate a chocolate bar. Should I take her to a vet?

Shawn Smith Asked: My dog ate a chocolate bar. Should I take her to a vet?

I got home from a quick trip to the store to get some dog food. While I was done, the dog (a 100 LBS 1 year old mastiff) decided to eat a bar of dark chocolate on the counter.

What should I do? Should I just watch her and hope for the best, or take her to the emergency vet? The bar was approx 1.65 oz and 72% dark chocolate (according to the wrapper).


Briana Butcher Answered:
I know a golden retriever who ate a 3lb pound box of sees candy that was under the Christmas tree and was fine. Just watch for lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting. If none of those things happen then she’ll be fine.:)
silverink Answered:
Rather be safe than sorry, I always say! 🙂
Take her to the vet.
Radness Answered:
Ghound Answered:
100lb dog should be fine. 10lb dog and there could be a problem going hyper and diarrhea.
Deputy Dog Answered:
You should ring her usual vet and ask them for advise.A phone call costs but a few cents and if they think it is serious enough they will arrange for you to bring her into the surgery.
Dani Answered:
watch her closely but i think she will be alright my grandmas 20 lb pug ate a whole chocolate cake he just threw up and was fine but if tou notice anything strange vet asap
Flowrider Answered:
I would take her to tge vet RIGHT AWAY!!!! And if he/she says it’s fine then don’t worry about it but NEVER LEAVE ANY CHOCOLATE IN THE OPEN WHEN YOU LEAVE AGAIN!!!

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Incoming search terms:

  • my dog ate a whole chocolate bar
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Posted by Chocoluv - May 29, 2011 at 9:30 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

My dog 18lbs just ate 2 lindt dark raspberry chocolates will he be ok?

Bryan S Asked: My dog 18lbs just ate 2 lindt dark raspberry chocolates will he be ok?

It has been 2 hours and no weird signs. Should I induce vomitting?


Girly Answered:
I would def keep an eye on him
My pug ate one piece of chocolte and threw up all night
Change Answered:
no don’t induce vomiting. He will be fine if this is an isolated incident. Chocolate is very bad for dogs, but if he hasn’t eaten too much (just the two) he is ok especially for his weight.
Victoria Sinclair Answered:
You should definitely induce vomiting or take him to the vet. Dark chocolate is a lot more potent and dangerous to a dog than white or milk, especially to a dog of that size. Although you said it was raspberry, it depends how much actual chocolate he ate. My dog ate a small ball of milk chocolate, so we took him to the vet straight away and made him vomit. If I were you I would take him to the vet anyway, to be on the safe side. My vet said sometimes there are symptoms of seizures and other stuff, so if you don’t take him to the vet definitely keep a close eye on him. Give him lots of water and don’t give him any food for a while.
Curious Goergette Answered:
honestly don’t take the risk. take him to the vet and make sure he’s ok. my dog died from seizures a year after eating one snicker’s chocolate bar. I’ve learned not to take chances when a life is at stake, it will be worth it in the end.
WelderChick87 Answered:
If I remember right, those chocolates aren’t that big, so the dog should be fine.My mom has a Basset Hound, and we had left one day and had a brand new bag of Hershey Kisses on the table (we didn’t think she could reach it in the middle).We come home and she had the bag inside out, and a huge pile of puke right next to it.We watched her for a few days after that, and she was fine. 

If she starts acting odd/unusual for her, then take her to the vet and have her checked out.

Linda Moore Answered:
call the vet and ask your dog should be fine
Fancy Answered:
I found this answer to the same question: 

Everyone knows that chocolate “can” be lethal..Dark chocolate is even worse…BUT, there’s no need to panic…One square of chocolate is probably going to cause some frantic energy, and some really nasty nightmares when dogger finally gets to sleep, but nothing more…
There is a substance in chocolate that is poisonous in large amounts but what most people don’t realize is that the caffiene in the chocolate is what is really dangerous..You see, a dogs liver is a bit different than ours and it can’t really process cafiene like ours can..
Think of it as a “pac man” effect…An overdose of caffiene is litterally the same as radiator fluid or acetomenophen (tylenol)…The caffiene keeps eating up liver cells and doesn’t stop..
This is worse case scenario and only if a dog were to ingest a huge quantity of it…One square is NOT a large quantity and dogger will be o.k….I promise.. 🙂
Former vet tech.

Nabeel Virgo Answered:
Dogs inability to digest chocolates. The toxic effect of chocolates on dogs is made more dangerous because a lot of dog owners are unaware of this fact. Humans get a lot of benefits from chocolates. However, Chocolate, the worlds most loved treat is dangerous to dogs because of its theobromine content. Theobromine, a chemical that is similar to caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in cocoa beans. Theobromine serves as a stimulant and causes frequent urination, affects the kidneys and the heart muscles as well as the central nervous system. Unlike humans, a dogs system does not have the ability to digest this substance. Because of the dogs inability to digest the theobromine substance, continued consumption will cause an accumulation in the dogs system until a variety of medical concerns happen because increased level of toxicity

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 29, 2011 at 9:20 am

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Is it true that eating chocolate before getting a tattoo can alleviate the pain?

Crepa Desideria Asked: Is it true that eating chocolate before getting a tattoo can alleviate the pain?

Apparently chocolate releases chemical substances that help us to put up with pain.
I've never heard of it!
Is it true?


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Posted by Chocoluv - May 28, 2011 at 1:00 pm

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