Archive for May, 2011

I turn into a bar of chocolate every fifteen minutes, how do I make this stop?

Mocha Chocolatta Asked: I turn into a bar of chocolate every fifteen minutes, how do I make this stop?

I’m scared someone will eat me, and since I’m chocolate I can’t study, so I’ll fail my exams and I won’t have a future. Please help. Thanks.


Coolbelt86 Answered:

sober up
Justin Beiber Answered:
drink some coffe to sober you up.
Abel Answered:
Oh Willy Wonka, go back to your chocolate factory.
guveracom Answered:
I’d like what you’re smoking.
Pearl Answered:
Surrender to your fate, and be eaten. You will then have fulfilled your purpose.
John Answered:
Track down and marry the marshmallow man, then give me s’mor babies
Candy Answered:
hmmmmmm chocolate…..come to my house and I will taste you I mean help you
Zachary Answered:
Hershey’s is just temporary.if its Nestle’s, you have problems.
Angel Answered:
Me tttooooo.
Long Live the USSR Answered:
A mental hospital. They’ll help you with your problem.
Puppet Answered:
You shouldn’t have said that cause now I’m gonna come and EAT YA!!! MWAHAHA!!
paul d Answered:
You must be a very big chocolate bar.
Janine Karaka Answered:
lol! ! sober up
Sarah Answered:
mmm…chocolate! i would eat you, but unfortunately it’s morning, so you’re safe. 🙂
benlorangeles Answered:
turn to God through prayer, if you believe in the God of the Holy Scriptures/Bible. read and listen to Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
on your part you will need a great deal of self-control and self-discipline with the help of Christ Jesus by your prayer with thanksgiving and supplication. i hope you understand and will put this to life. even if the chocolate is right in front of you, you will be able to ignore it and deny yourself of ingesting it through the help of the Lord. 

thanks be to God. to God be the glory!

Sara Answered:
Click your heels together three times and say,”There’s no flavor like vanilla.”

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chocolate classes

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 26, 2011 at 6:00 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

When They Say That Chocolate Cause Breakouts..?

Beware Asked: When They Say That Chocolate Cause Breakouts..?

are they talking about the "chocolate" itself, or the sugar in it?


symown Answered:
They proved and it was even on a documentary and particular famous television shows telling that chocolate actually DOESNT cause breakouts.

Catherine Urbina Answered:
Usually it's the sugar. too much sugar is bad. but improper diet can lead to acne, some girls breakout before getting their menstrual cycle, others are caused by stress, and too much oils and dirt built up in your pores cause breakouts.

ASDA Answered:
i didn't know whever 'they' are did say that

Anna Answered:
There is no scientific evidence that chocolate causes acne. A diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can really cause havoc on your skin. I think it's sugar not the chocolate itself…

John Answered:
Track down and marry the marshmallow man, then give me s'mor babies

Candy Answered:
hmmmmmm chocolate…..come to my house and I will taste you I mean help you

Zachary Answered:
Hershey's is just temporary.if its Nestle's, you have problems.

Angel Answered:
Me tttooooo.

Long Live the USSR Answered:
A mental hospital. They'll help you with your problem.

Puppet Answered:
You shouldn't have said that cause now I'm gonna come and EAT YA!!! MWAHAHA!!

paul d Answered:
You must be a very big chocolate bar.

Janine Karaka Answered:
lol! ! sober up

Sarah Answered:
mmm…chocolate! i would eat you, but unfortunately it's morning, so you're safe. 🙂

benlorangeles Answered:
turn to God through prayer, if you believe in the God of the Holy Scriptures/Bible. read and listen to Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
on your part you will need a great deal of self-control and self-discipline with the help of Christ Jesus by your prayer with thanksgiving and supplication. i hope you understand and will put this to life. even if the chocolate is right in front of you, you will be able to ignore it and deny yourself of ingesting it through the help of the Lord.

thanks be to God. to God be the glory!

Sara Answered:
Click your heels together three times and say,"There's no flavor like vanilla."

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chocolate classes

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 26, 2011 at 6:00 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

Saathiya Episode No. 262

Raashi asks Gopi to decorate the house for Ahem’s birthday. Kokila comes and asks Gopi why the decoration is so kiddish and realises that it’s Raashi’s idea. Kinjal wants to get a gift for Ahem when Urmila stops her. Urmila asks her how she can go for the party in the evening when there is a Pooja at home. Gopi orders for a chocolate cake on the phone and Raashi listens to the conversation and calls the bakery again. In the evening, Raashi and Jigar come to Urmila’s house for the Pooja. At the party, everyone is waiting for the cake to arrive but it is delivered late. Ahem opens the cake, and everyone is shocked.
chocolate classes

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 26, 2011 at 5:30 am

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , , ,

Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?

Amy Asked: Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?

I'm starting to make and sell cakes for people and I need other people's preferences.

It's going to be chocolate cake and vanilla icecream.
I would personally prefer icing, but that's just me.


Sairaa Answered:

confused Answered:
i prefer icing

Coolwhip yum

Strong Bad Answered:
times like this I say, "Is it to much to ask for both?"

Angel Singh Answered:
i like how cool whip tastes sooo soft compared to the actual cake, so cool whip FTW!

Rico Answered:
The tiredness in me would prefer the sugar rush in the icing.

Sam Disoosa Answered:

Fauzi Answered:
7) Meat with those buns

jadiva Answered:
Garlic butter

Your Asianess Answered:
hmmm. either nutella or margarine

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chocolate classes

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 26, 2011 at 12:30 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

What are Hunt’s snack pack sliders?

Darline S Asked: What are Hunt’s snack pack sliders?

I've never seen them, I was looking over my niece's Nutrition book (She has PKU) and i was looking over the foods which she can eat and have no PHE. One of them was Hunt's snack pack sliders. I bought the snack packs not thinking about it then I realized…im sure if it was just the snack pack then it would just say snack pack. Also, if you know anything about PKU, she usually is not able to eat chocolate puddings and such, the no Phe Hunt's snack pack sliders is chocolate pudding, is that right?


oo Answered:
changing your diet to only healthy foods is the best thing you can do and will ensure you will lose weight if combine with walking everyday especially.

you can eat how much you like if you stay within these 3 guidelines and still lose fat naturally and gradually. You should lose 10lbs each month on average. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains (Asian basmati or jasmine rice gives lots of energy and can be found at your local oriental/asian market or some super markets), & yogurt..2. drink only water, juice, & milk..3. walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.

(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer and a rice cooker ((Both Very cheap)) .which, used together make it very easy to prepare very nutritional, healthy meals ,,add a bit of olive oil , diced garlic, pepper, sliced lemon and spices on top of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to add more taste if wish as these are healthy too.)

Cat Answered:
Well, only eating healthy foods and such isn't the only part to losing weight. You also need to exercise a few times a week, maybe go for a walk or jog, something that gets your heart rate up. There are probably a lot of things you could find to do by looking up stuff. If I recall, cardiovascular exercise is what helps you lose weight.. But I'm not positive…

Sebasti Daneilas Answered:
maybe that one chocolate or hamburger that your eating isnt letting you loose the extra 6 pounds cut back on those 2 items for a week to see if it works also you might want to take a run outside your neighborhood

Charlie Answered:
When you get in a rut, there are a few things you can do.Add more exercise, change what you eat, eat more healthy fat/oils (like an avocado or raw nuts; you can look these up).

Just be patient and keep at it.Shake things up but continue to be healthy.

okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows:

Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly)
eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a food/rice steamer to make it easy on you)…(vegetables are not tasty, like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)…avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc…and drink water . If you eat meat ,,eat only steamed fish or chicken.

also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise.

* you should lose about 10 lbs per month

jadiva Answered:
Garlic butter

Your Asianess Answered:
hmmm. either nutella or margarine

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 26, 2011 at 12:30 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , ,

Chocolate Cigarettes (Original Song)

All you chocolate lovers out there have time to watch this video. A song about chocolate cigarettes that you can enjoy listening. This guy made something that you will definitely have fun and maybe share it to your friends who loves chocolate

The video can inspire you through the different lines used to give life to chocolate. You can think of only chocolate and how it can make more people happy.

So enjoy and watch this video on chocolate cigarettes (Original Song)

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Posted by Chocoluv - May 25, 2011 at 8:00 pm

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , ,

What treats can I make using frozen cookie dough?

bob bob Asked: What treats can I make using frozen cookie dough?

Other that regular cookies of course……the cookie dough is for white chocolate macadamian nutt


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Posted by Chocoluv - May 25, 2011 at 7:00 pm

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