Archive for October, 2011

How to Make Chocolate Covered Popcorn

Chocolate and popcorn: who can resist the temptation of enjoying either of these great treats? When you combine chocolate and popcorn, you really can experience heaven on earth. Who needs those expensive pre-made chocolate covered popcorn baskets or tins when you can make your own at home? Here’s how:

Step 1: Pop the bag of popcorn in the microwave. Remove the popcorn from its bag and put in a large bowl.

Step2: Add salt to the bowl of popcorn. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave. Once the chocolate chips are fully melted, pour the chocolate over the popcorn in the bowl.

Step3: Toss the popcorn in the bowl with two large wooden spoons to evenly distribute the chocolate and the salt.

Step4: Lay a sheet of wax paper over a baking sheet–or two baking sheets if you need! Use the spoons to place the popcorn on the wax paper.

Step5: Once all of the popcorn is on the baking sheet(s), place the baking sheet(s) into the refrigerator to let the chocolate set over the popcorn. When the chocolate looks hard enough, remove the baking sheet(s) from the refrigerator and serve.

Written by sherbert

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Posted by Chocoholic - October 25, 2011 at 5:38 pm

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Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

This cake is super moist and chocolaty and you can pretend its healthy with all the zucchini in it.  This is another recipe from my mom, a cook who used what she had and always made it great.


1/2 cup margarine or butter

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 3/4 cup sugar

2 whole eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup sour milk (you can sour your own milk by adding 1/2 tsp. of vinegar to 1/2 of milk)

2 1/4 cup unsifted flour

4 Tbsp. cocoa

1/2 tsp. Baking powder

1 tsp. Baking soda

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. cloves (powdered, not whole)

2 cups of finely diced zucchini (or shredded)

1/4 cup chocolate chips

Cream the margarine, oil and sugar together.  Add the eggs, vanilla and the sour milk and beat it all with a mixer.  Next, mix together all of the dry ingredients and add it to the creamed mixture and beat well with a mixer.  Stir in the zucchini.  Spoon the batter into a greased and floured 9x12x2 inch pan.  Sprinkle the top with chocolate chips (You don’t have to do this, but it really does taste good and looks good too).  Bake the cake at 325F degrees for forty to forty-five minutes, or until a toothpick or cake tester comes out clean and dry.  You do not need to frost this cake as it is moist and very tender, but you can if you wish once it has cooled.  It tastes good with chocolate or fudge frosting, but it is also good with cream cheese frosting.  Usually, I don’t frost it.  I just sprinkle the chocolate chips on the top.

Written by AnnieHintsala
Freelance writer, artist, teacher, mommy, harpy

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Posted by Chocoholic - October 25, 2011 at 4:49 pm

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How do you make chocolate milk with chocolate syrup if the syrup always sticks to the bottom?

Question by mpa: How do you make chocolate milk with chocolate syrup if the syrup always sticks to the bottom?
I’m trying to make chocolate milk and I have some extra chocolate syrup (Hershey’s), but I notice that the syrup either sticks to the bottom or doesn’t mix very well. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by coby
put the syrup in the will heat up a little and dissolve better in the milk.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Posted by Chocoholic - October 25, 2011 at 2:24 pm

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Lindt Excellence Extra Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, 3.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)

Lindt Excellence Extra Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, 3.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)

  • Dark, Rich, Smooth chocolate bars
  • 85% Cacao Chocolate chocolate bars

Lindt Excellence gourmet chocolate is prepared especially for you by Lindt’s Master Chocolatiers who, from selecting the highest quality cocoa beans to creating the finest textures and tastes chocolate can offer, demand nothing less than perfection. Experience the ultimate union of force and finesse through Lindt Excellence’s intense and elegant flavors, fine textures and lingering tastes. Discover Lindt Excellence with all your senses.

List Price: $ 35.76


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Posted by Chocoholic - October 25, 2011 at 10:18 am

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Raw Vegan Recipe: Mayan Chocolate Superfood Macaroons

The video you will about to see is about how you can make a Mayan Chocolate Superfood Macaroons! In this video, our expert Jason Wrobel, will give us a demonstrations on how you can make this raw vegan recipe.

Also in this video, you will understand how he uses different ingredients regarding chocolate to make it a very delicious recipe. You will learn the benefits of cacao butter as you go on watching this detailed video.

This recipe can be served to your kids and family. So if you have nothing in mind to put on your table, I think you better watch this video and learn a new recipe that may captivate everyone!

Enjoy this video and see how an expert will give you a raw vegan recipe: Mayan Chocolate Superfood Macaroons.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - October 24, 2011 at 12:27 pm

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Chocolate Milk: The New Sports Drink

Wouldn’t it be great if the yummy deliciousness of chocolate milk was beneficial to your health and exercise?  Recent studies have shown that chocolate milk could be as beneficial (if not more so) as sports drinks.  After working out and then drinking chocolate milk during their rest, athletes are able to work out longer during their second session and proved to have more power as well.

What Gives Chocolate Milk the Edge?

Chocolate milk proves to be a significant source of carbohydrates as well as protein, a source most sports drinks don’t offer.  Both of these are necessary components for energizing the body and repairing muscle so the body can continue moving with the same amount of energy as before.  Chocolate milk isn’t an all cure for exhaustion it just helps an athlete continue to perform at top level because the body is able to start repairing right away due to the carbohydrates and protein within chocolate milk.

In order to prove this theory scientists compiled a study using bicyclists as their subject.  Nine bicyclists rode until they had no energy left then were able to rest for four hours before being put back on bikes until they were overcome by exhaustion.  During the bicyclists’ break they were given one of three drinks:

-Fluid replacing (or traditional) sports drink
-chocolate milk (low-fat)
-Carbohydrate replacing sports drink

The second session of bike riding proved to show that those rehydrated with chocolate milk were able to work out almost twice the time compared to those that drank the carbohydrate replacing sports drink and could work out for the same length of times as those that had the traditional sports drink.

The Other Benefits of Choosing Chocolate Milk

Sports drinks are designed to help rehydrate the body after a workout and they work for that purpose, however chocolate milk has more essential nutrients that regular sports drinks just don’t have.  From a variety of vitamins to iron and calcium, chocolate milk has seven of these essential nutrients to help keep an athlete healthier during a working out.

Chocolate Milk over Other Products

Because of the combination of components within chocolate milk that aren’t offered within other drinks chocolate milk proves to have more benefits for athletes.  While the carbohydrates replacing sports drink is helpful to the body chocolate milk appears to be better in giving athletes a little extra push in energy and power because of the specific combination of proteins and carbohydrates.

It’s important to remember, however, that with milks comes some fat if you don’t buy the correct type.  Obviously choosing skim milk (which has 0 fat calories) over whole milk (which has 48 percent of its calories coming from fat) is going to be more beneficial to your body.  Aim for a low-fat choice in chocolate milk so your workouts will be worth your effort.

If chocolate milk isn’t the drink for you then there are drink options to help you have the best workout possible.  Basically your goal is to have a combination of helpful proteins and simple carbohydrates.  You can do this any way like combining simple carbohydrates with a sports drink containing proteins like hydrolysates.

For more useful information, please visit our website: THE KNOWLEDGE BASE, and look for the SPORTS & FITNESS section.

Written by ja_schmidt

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Posted by Chocoholic - October 24, 2011 at 8:51 am

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How did the Swiss become famous for making chocolate?

Question by Zloar: How did the Swiss become famous for making chocolate?
Considering the beans are grown in tropical countries and Switzerland is landlocked, how did the Swiss become famous historically for making chocolate?

Best answer:

Answer by staisil
In 1502, chocolate was first introduced to Spain from Christopher Columbus who returned from his forth voyage to the New World. The Spaniards learned chocolate from the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish invasion in 1519. Spanish explorers learned to convert the bitter cocoa into a beverage and its origin and preparation method was a secret for 100 years. The ancient Aztecs and Mayan cultures discovered the value of the cocoa plant. They believed that power and wisdom came from eating the fruit of the cacao tree.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, chocolate was very much a successor in Europe and produced in Switzerland. By the half of the nineteenth century Swiss chocolate started to spread aboard. The Swiss first started making chocolate in the 1800’s, at the time there was no abundant commodities of chocolate and sugar. In 1876, M. Daniel Peter added milk to chocolate to produce a smoother chocolate. However, adding water to chocolate made the chocolate shrink and separate into small pieces. The experimentation took 8 years to perfect before he took his product to Henry Nestle the maker of evaporated milk. Nestle had perfected the manufacture of condensed milk, he and Peter hit upon the idea of mixing sweetened condensed milk with chocolate. In the second half of the eighteenth century, natives of Yal Blenio in the Tessin were responsible for the popularity of chocolate in their country. However, just a few decades later the Swiss made a successful reputation and foreign manufactures spread throughout the world using their technical geniuses effort to efficient the development for the manufacture of chocolate.

Lindt & Sprungli a popular chocolate on the market demand. It began in 1845 that Sprungil and his family took an Italian recipe and impressed the elite of Zurich. It became so popular a new shop was opened and more employees were hired. Then in 1879, Rodolphe Lindt a famous chocolatier perfected a melting chocolate process. Sprungli purchased the Lindt Company and had combined two companies that became very successful and today Lindt produces in six different countries and the greatest premier of chocolate.

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Posted by Chocoholic - October 21, 2011 at 12:56 pm

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