Archive for January, 2012

Making Chocolate at Home

Making Chocolate at Home

Making Chocolate at Home

Description: Chocolate lovers will enjoy this book, whether they
are making the recipes for themselves, their families and friends,
or would like to step into the world of selling their chocolates for
Contents Include –
Why Make Homemade Chocolate
Traditional Ways to Make Chocolate
How to Make Homemade Chocolate Without the Hard Work
Best Kinds of Chocolate to Use
You Need These 5 Tools to Make Your Chocolate
How to Make Sugar Free Chocolate
How to Make Low Fat Chocolate
Making Your Chocolate Unique
Using Molds For Chocolate Candies
How to Make the Best Chocolate
How to Package Your Homemade Chocolate
Chocolate Gift Ideas for Christmas
Festive Homemade Chocolate Drinks
Chocolate for Easter
Chocolate for Any Holiday
Chocolate for Birthdays
Chocolates for Weddings and Showers
Chocolate for Any Occasion
How to Make Gourmet Chocolate
Make Money Selling Your Own Chocolates!

List Price: $ 2.99


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Posted by Chocoholic - January 16, 2012 at 12:29 pm

Categories: chocolate products   Tags: , ,

Ecofriendly Dagoba Organic Chocolate Tasting Square Organic Xocolatl 74% (36×9 Gm) By Dagoba Organic Chocolate

Ecofriendly Dagoba Organic Chocolate Tasting Square Organic Xocolatl 74% (36×9 Gm) By Dagoba Organic Chocolate

Ecofriendly Dagoba Organic Chocolate Tasting Square Organic Xocolatl 74% (36x9 Gm) By Dagoba Organic Chocolate

Even the most casual food shoppers have probably noticed the increased quantity and variety of organic products available and they vary from food to detergent, cosmetics and many more.

Maybe you’re wondering what all the fuss is about? Are organic products healthier? Are they safer? Are they worth the extra money if they cost more than conventional products? How are they compared to all other products and tastes?

Well, by selecting Dagoba Organic Chocolate Tasting Square Organic Xocolatl 74% (36×9 Gm) you already got the answer for all these questions

Save on Dagoba Organic Chocolate 36X 9 Gm Tasting Square Organic Xocolatl 74%

Cacao Nibs, Chilies And Rich Dark Chocolate Recreate The Aztec’s Enhancing Cacao Elixir. Savor The Spices Of Life.:

(Note: This Product Description Is Informational Only. Always Check The Actual Product Label In Your Possession For The Most Accurate Ingredient Information Before Use. For Any Health Or Dietary Related Matter Always Consult Your Doctor Before Use.)

List Price: $ 30.98


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Posted by Chocoholic - January 16, 2012 at 8:57 am

Categories: chocolate products   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Chocolate Cravings

Many people have an intense love of chocolate, but the female population seems to have a deeper love for it. The reason for this is allegedly connected to blood sugar levels, stress, and hormonal changes brought about by a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine and they are known to affect blood sugar levels. One reason behind our chocolate cravings is because the sugar in our blood is low and chocolates are our go-to for a quick sugar fix.

Chocolate always brings a different level of pleasure and this is because of the serotonin content which is a neurotransmitter that can influence the mood, which is the usual reason why chocolate is a well-known comfort food.

Days before menstrual periods, women’s serotonin levels are rather low. Also, hormonal changes that normally occur cause reduction in the minerals found in the blood, such as magnesium, which chocolate also contains. And that adds up to such powerful cravings.

However, some scientists claim that these cravings are merely brought about by cultural factors based on the findings that American women have stronger yearning for chocolate as compared to those of other nationalities, while some say that chocolate cravings are just psychological and that menstruating women feel that they are socially entitled to eat chocolate regardless of the fact that it can be very high in fat.

In addition to that, chocolate is debatably addicting. Research has shown that it contains alkaloid, compounds that make alcohol addictive. Scientists also found that chocolate contains anandamine, a compound that gets marijuana users addicted.

Phenylethylamine is another compound that chocolate contains and this can also be found in the body and its effects are rather similar to that of amphetamine. It can give people feelings such as euphoria and giddiness. These substances supposedly stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain and it peaks during orgasm which is probably the reason why some women prefer chocolate over sex. Interesting it is.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - January 12, 2012 at 9:33 am

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Diabetes and Chocolate

There are a lot of people suffering from Diabetes. The ones that suffer the most are those that have a sweet tooth. It has long been an issue if diabetics should ditch chocolates altogether or if minimal amount of dark chocolate is beneficial.

Chocolate, specifically the dark variants that are not loaded with sugar, is known to have an array of health advantages and benefits. One of which is for those who have heart conditions. Recent studies have shown that chocolate contains a certain substance called ‘flavonoids’ that can affect the vascular health in a good way. It supposedly lowers the blood pressure and improves blood flow to the brain and heart, making blood platelets less viscous. That being said, one can keep cholesterol from gathering in blood vessels. It also has the ability to slow down the immune responses that lead to clogged arteries.

However, it is an obvious fact that excessive consumption of chocolate is not at all advantageous, but rather threatening to the health. Again, diabetics are suggested to consume chocolates in minimal portions. They can do so while having a meal or right after a meal. The reason behind this is that since the stomach has food in it, the absorption of chocolate will be impeded. Thus, you can prevent your blood glucose from spiking.

And since diet is a very crucial factor in the health of diabetic patients, health experts such as physicians or nutritionists should be inquired first, just to be on the safe side. Every diabetic patient has a unique requirement with regard to diet, and to maintain a healthy one, an open and honest communication with the doctor is best.

Just because you have a health condition doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the joys of eating. It may not be just like how you enjoyed food back when your health is at its peak, but you can always look for alternatives that offer the same pleasure but without the need to sacrifice your health.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - January 11, 2012 at 9:19 am

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , , ,

Chocolate: From Tree to Treat

If you are a true blue chocoholic like you say you are, you probably know a lot of things about it from bean to bar. No? Then here are some foods for your brain to kick your love of chocolate up a notch.

The video will briefly give you everything you have to know when it comes to chocolate. Our expert, Jenny Harper, Senior Culinary Specialist, will talk of chocolate and what you really know about it.

The video will start discussing with the tree itself and how it grows. Also she will show you a cacao bean and will share to you how chocolate is being made out of it.

So enjoy this video about chocolate: From tree to treat.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - January 10, 2012 at 3:29 pm

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , , ,

Q&A: What’s the Best Way to Thicken Chocolate Sauce, making it similar to hot fudge?

Question by w_t_isc: What’s the Best Way to Thicken Chocolate Sauce, making it similar to hot fudge?
I really like vanilla ice cream with hot fudge but my dad never buys it. He only buys plain, thin chocolate sauce, and says they are the same thing.

What is the best way to make chocolate sauce similar in consistency to hot fudge (how can i make it thicker), in the easiest way?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by julieisbest
You can put it in a saucepan on the stove and heat it on medium heat for a while. This is called “reducing” the sauce, it will thicken it up. Make sure to stir it frequently. It will take a little bit but it works!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Incoming search terms:

  • how to thicken chocolate sauce
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Posted by Chocoholic - January 10, 2012 at 9:18 am

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Chocolate Wars: The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s Greatest Chocolate Makers Reviews

Chocolate Wars: The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s Greatest Chocolate Makers

With a cast of characters that wouldn’t be out of place in a Victorian novel, Chocolate Warstells the story of the great chocolatier dynasties, through the prism of the Cadburys. Chocolate was consumed unrefined and unprocessed as a rather bitter, fatty drink for the wealthy elite until the late 19th century, when the Swiss discovered a way to blend it with milk and unleashed a product that would conquer every market in the world.Thereafter, one of the great global business rivalries unfolded as each chocolate maker attempted to dominate its domestic market and innovate new recipes for chocolate that would set it apart from its rivals. The contest was full of dramatic contradictions: The Cadburys were austere Quakers who found themselves making millions from an indulgent product; Kitty Hershey could hardly have been more flamboyant yet her husband was moved by the Cadburys tradition of philanthropy. Each was a product of their unique time and place yet they shared one thing: they want to make the best chocolate in the world.

List Price: $ 27.95


More Chocolate Business Products

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Posted by Chocoholic - January 9, 2012 at 12:38 pm

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