Archive for June, 2012

Organic Facial Mask – Antiaging, Nourishing – Chocolate

Organic Facial Mask – Antiaging, Nourishing – Chocolate

Organic Facial Mask - Antiaging, Nourishing - Chocolate

  • Only USDA certified organic and All Natural ingredients
  • Pure gift of raw organic cacao with natural vitamin C and natural pro-vitamin B5
  • Anti aging and skin regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing
  • #1 for dry, mature, damaged, dull skin
  • Chemical free – no preservatives, detergents, cheap fillers & substitutes, etc. Equivalent to at least 6 oz regular liquid mask based on water and fillers!

2.3 oz / 68 g

Dehydrated skin is banned from now on – try or new organic and all natural facial mask Chocolatier’s Gift based on raw organic cacao powder! Cacao, a raw material for making real chocolate, can work inside and out, so go ahead and spread this divine smelling mask over your face to see how dry, dull skin magically turns into glowing, smooth, beautiful complexion! This decadent organic facial mask is a wonderful gift for everyone who is in love with chocolate. Based on real raw organic cacao, the raw material for making chocolate, this organic & natural facial mask is high in flavonoids, antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and potassium as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and pantothenic acid. Only raw organic cocoa can offer these benefits – regular refined, processed with alkali cacao is depleted of all nutrients and is not as effective. Oats provide ultimate moisturizing, soothing, and calming properties, helping restore skin’s moisture deep down. Organic allspice improves circulation and tones the skin, while natural kaolin gently cleans your skin, drawing out impurities and helping blemishes. This organic facial mask is enhanced with natural vitamin C and natural pro-vitamin B5, which soften & brighten the skin, fight aging and free radicals, help your skin build protective barrier against sun damage, elements, pollution and aging. After just one application your skin feels smooth, nourished and supple – naturally! You will see that organic, vegan and eco friendly works wonders unlike any conventional, chemical loaded stuff.40% recycled apothecary glass cube – luxurious, classy, elegant gift Customize the consistency and enjoy it fresh every time

List Price: $ 16.95


More Making Chocolate Products

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Posted by Chocoholic - June 10, 2012 at 4:15 pm

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Chocolates – The Modern Drug And Its Ancient Roots

It may come as a shocker to find out that one of our most favorite treats is found to be not good for our health, mostly the sugary ones. Chocolate is what I am referring to. With an average of 12 pounds of chocolate a regular person consumes annually in the United States, you can gauge how much danger this unhealthy caffeine fueled treat brings to millions of people.  Let us look back into a little bit of history in order to become enlightened as to what dark chocolate has that will serve people beneficial. Chocolates can date back to around the time of 600 AD when Mayan Indians were the main holders and owners of cocoa plantations around the famous Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. The Mayans were the predecessors of the Aztecs who created a certain chocolate drink that they called ‘xocoatl’ that was later known as ‘chocoatl’ which were derived from the cocoa beans that are produced from cocoa trees. This drink chocolate drink has been added with vanilla and many ancient spices had the consistency of honey.  It was consumed only in liquid form during this time.

The arrival of Europeans paved the way to more advancements and breakthroughs in terms of chocolate development. They were astounded to see chocolate to be served in its purest and rawest form. This was able to change during the early 1800s during the time when a certain Dutchman who goes by the name of Coenrad Jahannes van Houten was able to discover that adding alkali-potash to the beans before they are being roasted tends to have an acid neutralizing effect.

This was coined to be the dutching process and it posed a big problem since the process removed the most essential parts of the dark chocolate known as flavonoids. These substances have an effect that fights free radicals and are considered antioxidants that slow the aging process of our bodies. It is said to be true that the healthiest chocolates are in its most raw form which unalkalized. Chocolate contains little or no caffeine at all which is hard for people to realize since it is one really good food that counters sleepiness.

More Chocolate Information Articles

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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 5, 2012 at 3:54 pm

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Potato Chips in Chocolate Bar by Chuao Chocolatier

Potato Chips in Chocolate Bar by Chuao Chocolatier

If you fancy potato chips dipped into milk chocolate, the you’re in for an elegant treat. It’s something that everyone will surely enjoy.

See the behind the scenes video of Chef Michael as he makes the delectable Potato Chips in Chocolate bar. It’s the combination of premium milk chocolate and all natural potato chips. It is described as sweet and luscious, salty and crisp, all rolled into one.

Drooling? Then watch this video and drool even more!

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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 5, 2012 at 8:55 am

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Chocolate Cards – Good Freebies for Corporate Fund Raisers

Fund raising events that are sponsored by big corporations is sure to be a creative event and requires a whole lot of excellent time management skills. Lots of companies do enjoy and organize these fund raising events to be able to raise funds that will benefit a cause that will increase awareness of people about it. According to a research made by Giving USA, a total of $14.5 billion has been gathered and collected by corporate donations in 2008 alone. The end part of deciding as to who will receive the donations, (may it be a community services group or a charitable organizations) every little detail must be planned well though. Teamwork is also very essential in order to make this certain event a very successful one. People are able to attain success by doling out simple items such as light pens, company t-shirts or even chocolate business cards all throughout the event, just to entice people.

A certain basic requirement for successful corporate fund raising events is to have a goal as to how much money the organizers intend to collect. It is also very important to be able to set out attainable goals that will surely push the organizers to plan the event properly.  It is also helps in a sense that limited resources are geared well in order to obtain the maximum results.

One must also make sure that enough and adequate time is available for the event to be prepared well for. A well thought out plan can be formulated if coupled with an ample amount of time.  This will allow planners and organizers to go through every little detail that needs to be given attention. Proper and keen advertisement about the event in the locale like community centers, schools and other public areas in order to maximize the funds that are going to be collected and just be able to reach to a greater number of attendees.

Finally, it would help if certain items are to be sold and auctioned in the event as to really add an extra amount of cash in the said fund raising event.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 3, 2012 at 2:23 pm

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What is chocolate compound? Can I use it to make chocolate bars?

Question by cocoahazelnut: What is chocolate compound? Can I use it to make chocolate bars?
I found a recipe online to make chocolate bars. The thing is, it uses milk chocolate. The supermarket I went to didn’t seem to have any bar of cooking chocolate named “milk chocolate”, so I bought “chocolate compound” instead as it looks similar and there’s a chocolate recipe at the back of the package, so I just assumed it’s cooking chocolate by another name. But what is actually chocolate compound? Can I use it to substitute milk or cooking chocolate? Thank you..

Best answer:

Answer by Natalia
Yes you can. Compound chocolate is what is mostly used in cooking and what’s sold at the supermarkets as confectionery. The alternative is ‘couverture’ chocolate and that’s used more for gourmet chocolates and sold in special chocolate shops, at a higher price too. Most recipes when they ask to use chocolate assume it’s just compound chocolate unless otherwise stated.

Compound chocolate is the easiest type of chocolate to use when making chocolate bars. this is because it will set very nicely and quite quickly. When using couverture chocolate, the chocolate needs to be tempered before it will set which basically means it needs to be highly temperature-controlled during melting and cooling down. It can be difficult for some people to temper chocolate so commercial businesses who use couverture will most likely have a machine which will temper. Anyway, it’s not very common for supermarkets to sell couverture and if they did, it would be written very big on the packet. You’re safe.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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Posted by Chocoholic - June 3, 2012 at 8:47 am

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