Archive for September, 2012

Is there any other way to make chocolates other than blending,roasting and grounding cocoa beans?

Question by timoty: Is there any other way to make chocolates other than blending,roasting and grounding cocoa beans?
I want simple and easiest method to make “PURE CHOCOLATE” AT HOME

can i use cocoa powder, or something like that.. whats the method ???? i can’t make chocolate from cocoa beans,, its quite hard i guess



Best answer:

Answer by Paul Ding

If you want to make “PURE CHOCOLATE” at home, you’ll have to define what you mean by that term.

If you want to make chocolate from beans, the link below gives directions.

If you want to make chocolate candy at home, you can do that with cocoa. Cocoa is basically chocolate beans that have been processed, with the fat removed. In the US, the standard of identity says that the fat in chocolate has to be cocoa butter, the fat that was removed from the beans. In Europe, they make phony chocolate by substituting other fats for the cocoa butter.

To make chocolate candy at home, mix cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla.

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Posted by Chocoholic - September 27, 2012 at 1:07 pm

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How to Make Raw Chocolate from Scratch : Chocolate Chips Recipe

Homemade chocolate chip cookies almost always bring a smile to our faces not only because of its delectable taste but also because of how we grew up eating them.

I love ’em. You love ’em. We all love ’em! These cookies are still tremendously well-liked even after decades and decades of their release, and we can assume this will hold true for quite a stretch of time.

Here’s a video you can enjoy and learn from so as to whip up your own at home!

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 27, 2012 at 8:41 am

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Chocolate-lovers Take the World by Storm

You can be anyone, when you happen to love consuming chocolates. You can eat up to 10 kilos of it per year, like chocolate pages on Facebook, go to an amusement park that has chocolates for a theme, join some chocolate enthusiasts clubs and even opt for a chocolate scented body spray.  Chocolates are really a sweet treat and very irresistible. People don’t just happen to eat and consume chocolates, they are very fond of it and sometimes even bordering on being obsessed with it. For them life without chocolates is worse than death itself. Chocolate has become a really large part of life in general as some dictionaries like Merriam-Webster have accepted the term ‘Chocoholic’. It has become an integral part in the American way of life that it has invaded the culture, including some of the most prominent and important American holidays like Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day and yes, Christmas.  Now that we are only days away from these occasions, people are now preparing to shop and search for chocolates to include in their presents.

You might be wondering as to what makes chocolates really likable and delectable, is it the taste or the texture or the versatility it brings to the table? If you can only broaden your imagination, lots of things can be made out of it: there could be cakes, ice cream, coffee, milk, puddings, cookies, cereals and shakes to name a few. It comes in various consistency like being soft or hard, white or darker, a filling for a bun, a topping, a certain syrup for some sweet treat and even a fondue during certain occasions.  Or maybe the after feeling it brings is the reason behind why people are so in love with it? Experts and scientists have concluded a long time ago that there are certain ‘chocolate triggers’ in the brain that can affect  one’s mood.

Considering this ever growing phenomenon, it can be no surprise that chocolate treats are marketed to target almost anyone.  Chocolate is virtually everywhere and yet it feels like it is so rare and fashionable. It is able to trigger lots of emotions and feelings may it be good or otherwise.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 23, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , , ,

Chocolate Roses

We love chocolate as is. I know that all too well. However, creativity also doesn’t hurt. It’s not so bad to eat something that you totally love that’s enhanced a bit. I know, I know. It also pains me too to eat and actually destroy a piece of art, but that’s the real essence of chocolate! They are built to be eaten, or drunk, for that matter.

Chocolate Roses are stunning, delectable treats that look like real flowers made with a modeling material called chocolate plastic. You can watch this video in order to create the chocolate plastic for the roses.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 22, 2012 at 1:28 pm

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , ,

Do you have an easy recipe for an at-home chocolate fountain?

Question by SV: Do you have an easy recipe for an at-home chocolate fountain?
Every recipe I have tried doesn’t get the chocolate “thin” enough – my fountain starts churning and making funny noises. I need a smooth, thin chocolate sauce to coat strawberries and marshmallows. I am looking for something that contains “good” (not cheap) chocolate chips and maybe 1/2 and 1/2 or heavy cream. HELP!

Best answer:

Answer by gettingmarriedinnc
I just bought one and I’m sorry I haven’t used it yet but they said to use good chocolate and heat it up with oil in a microwave or pan first. Then put it in you fountain. They said the more coco that’s in the chocolate is better and makes it move smoother. I’m not sure of the exact measurements but I know that they said cups of oil. Let me know if this helps I hope so good luck.

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Posted by Chocoholic - September 21, 2012 at 1:10 pm

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can you use white chocolate chips in place of the vanilla melting discs?

Question by bookluvr315: can you use white chocolate chips in place of the vanilla melting discs?
I have a recipe that calls for the melting discs (the ones you use to make like candies and “chocolate” lollipops but I cant find them at any of the stores around here, so can I use like the white chocolate chips instead?
the vanilla discs are also referred to as “candy melts”

Best answer:

Answer by cookingkay1955
The chips are not made to harden like the melts I have used chips to coat pretzels but it doesn’t harden as well.

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1 comment - What do you think?
Posted by Chocoholic - September 19, 2012 at 1:45 pm

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

Chocolate Tasting in 2 Minutes

Chocolate Tasting in 2 Minutes

Bryn, the resident chocolate guru at Chocolate University Online, had an interview for a newspaper article last year. Part of it was a brief chocolate tasting demonstration. If you have been dying to learn how to do proper chocolate tasting, then look no further.

In this 2-minute video , you will see and hear everything you want about chocolate tasting. Watch this video and entertain as well as educate yourself.

For a fun and comprehensive chocolate education, visit

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 13, 2012 at 1:43 pm

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