Archive for September, 2012

Chocolate and Sweets to Make (Usborne Activities) (French Edition)

Chocolate and Sweets to Make (Usborne Activities) (French Edition)

Chocolate and Sweets to Make (Usborne Activities) (French Edition)

This title has step-by-step recipes which encourage children to cook safely. It has ideas for chocolates and sweets that can be given as Christmas gifts, or simply eaten, and lots of wrapping ideas, including festive gift boxes and sweetie bags.

List Price: $ 81.75


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Posted by Chocoholic - September 12, 2012 at 8:55 am

Categories: chocolate products   Tags: , , , , ,

The Chocolate Bomb

No, don’t be deceived by the title. I am in love with chocolate, no argument there, but it’s not the message I want to get across. The Nazis know exactly what I’m talking about. Those people painted our world’s history red, and not the good red. However, they could actually get pretty creative. Death by chocolate, I think, was coined from their stunning efforts. Hmmm. If you’re not crazy about gruesome tales, then maybe you would not want to continue reading.

Typically, “Death by Chocolate” is a favorite sweet treat. It refers to a chocolate cake that is topped with chocolate ice cream and chocolate syrup and then sprinkled with chocolate brownies or chocolate shavings on top. But the Nazis kicked things a notch higher and on a more literal note. So high actually that it gave a whole new meaning to the term. They made death by chocolate happen as they turned chocolates into bombs. Explosive, isn’t it?

The British Intelligence Agency MI5 made public a series of documents as well as photos that show camouflaged equipment utilized by the Nazis. In those papers was a sketch of what seemingly looks like an ordinary chocolate bar, but as the old adage goes, don’t judge the book by its cover. What looked like a piece of sweet could actually trigger an explosion.

These bars of chocolate were much like your typical hand grenades. They were in steel cases, however covered with chocolate, and they were actually wrapped like a real candy bar. Neat trick, Nazis. And in order to detonate the bomb, the innocent victim would break off the bar like usual, which then reveals a canvas strap that functioned like the pin of a grenade which when removed would blow up in a matter of seconds.

It became common knowledge that the Nazis were targeting a member of the Royal Family.  The chocolate bar would turn out as a surprise as the eater was in the middle of enjoying it. Creepy, in every sense of the word.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 9, 2012 at 2:00 pm

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , ,

How to Make Chocolate Frosting

How to Make Chocolate Frosting

We all love sweet treats, or at least most of us. It gets all the yummier if it’s prepared beautifully. And we know a lot of us go out of their leagues just to prettify some desserts, such as cupcakes. And among the many ways we can give extra oomph to cupcakes is by putting frosting on it.

Watch this video and learn how to make a creamy chocolate frosting for cupcakes and cakes. This frosting will be a darling to many chocolate lovers. It’s smooth, fluffy, yet not too dark. Enjoy!

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 7, 2012 at 1:01 pm

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: ,

101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix

101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix

101 Things to Do with a Cake Mix

Move over Betty Crocker–101 Things to Do With a Cake Mix will amaze your friends and leave them Jell-O green with envy! From Snickers Surprise Cookies to Christmas Rainbow Poke Cake, it’s the best thing to happen in the kitchen since your last romantic rendezvous! So what are you waiting for? Grab a cake mix, whip up some goodies, and throw some flour on your face so it looks like you spent days in the kitchen.


List Price: $ 9.99


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Posted by Chocoholic - September 5, 2012 at 8:17 am

Categories: chocolate products   Tags: ,

Making Dirt Pie…?

Question by Sammy: Making Dirt Pie…?
Hi, I want to make “dirt pie” and have heard many variations on this recipe- some call for cream cheese and whip cream- is there a way to make it without… these are the ingredients I have…
can I do it with just these- and how?:

Chocolate Ice cream
Chocolate pudding
Banana pudding

Best answer:

Answer by Sugar PIe
Make your chocolate pudding according to package directions. Once it’s firm, stir in some marshmallows (about a cup)

Crush your oreos in a zipper bag.

In a pretty wine or martini glass, put a scoop of pudding mixture, then top w/ a spoonful of oreo crumbs. Add a gummy worm if you have some… 🙂

Add your own answer in the comments!

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4 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Chocoholic - September 4, 2012 at 1:04 pm

Categories: chocolate questions, chocolate recipes   Tags: , ,

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