Archive for December, 2012

Recipe for Chocolate Cordials with Liquer?

Question by juicyapplejazz: Recipe for Chocolate Cordials with Liquer?
I remember purchasing these from places like Swiss Colony or Figi’s catalogs. Does anyone know how to make the little chocolate bottles with the liquer inside ? It was filled with either grand mariner liquer or irish cream and other flavors. This would be a great gift for the holidays as I found some chocolate molds…now I need the recipe !!!! Help

Best answer:

Answer by Amy 911
It is tricky to make the molded chocolates with a liquid center. You have to paint the inside of the mold several times to build up the walls. After filling you have to “float” the chocolate cap on the bottom. It is not easy or fun. Great gift though!

Making “flavored” cherries is a lot easier. Purchase your favorite liquor in the miniature bottles. Get jarred cherries with stems, dump all but 2oz of cherry juice, mix juice and one miniature liquor into the cherry jar. Turn the jars once a day for 4-7 days. Drain the cherries and blot well….save the yummy juice for drinks or ice cream. Melt your chocolate and dip the cherries. Let harden on wax paper. You can buy the little paper candy cups at any place that sells candy stuff…..also small boxes to package them in. Rum and cognace are both EXCELLENT with the cherries.

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Posted by Chocoholic - December 26, 2012 at 8:20 am

Categories: chocolate questions, chocolate recipes   Tags: , , ,

Breakfast Chocolate Dessert

If you happen to be enjoying your breakfast at the moment, jump for joy! And get that piece of chocolate cake. Or you can go for the chocolate chip cookie jar. If ice cream sounds better, help yourself. Sounds ridiculous? I’ll prove you wrong, with the help of the groundbreaking research at Tel Aviv University.

Such research claimed that having dessert with a balanced 600-calorie breakfast that has carbohydrates and proteins will allow people dieting to shed some unwanted pounds and maintain it.

Researchers sorted 193 clinically obese, non-diabetic adults out into two groups. These groups were provided with the same low-carbohydrate diets of 1,400 calories every day for women and 1,600 calories a day for men. One group, however, was provided with a low-carbohydrate 300-calorie breakfast and the other was given a 600-calorie breakfast that has carbs and protein, and consistently came with a dessert.

Losing weight was pretty much the same for the two groups at the first 16 weeks. However after 32 weeks, those that had dessert, like cake or cookies, with breakfast had dropped around 40 pounds more than those that had the lighter, low-carbohydrate breakfast.

“What you eat for breakfast does not make you fat,” according to professor Daniela Jakubowicz, part of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Diabetes Unit at Wolfson Medical Center. She claimed that morning meals give the energy that you can use the entire day, boost one’s metabolism and assist thinking processes. If a low-calorie diet limits carbohydrates in the morning, metabolism crashes. Thus, the body tends to compensate which ultimately promotes increase in weight in the event that you have carbohydrates later. And that will happen because you are likely to starve come lunchtime. “Breakfast increases metabolism and decreases hunger,” she added.

Serotonin, which is a natural chemical that contributes to positive feelings like happiness, has elevated levels in the morning yet drops come afternoon. By eating chocolate in the afternoon, the level of serotonin in the body boosts up which in turn has an anti-depressive effect. That being said, you’re more likely to eat dessert the following afternoon once your serotonin levels fall.

“Chocolate in the morning maintains the serotonin levels during the day, so you don’t feel depressed,” Jakubowicz said. “When you think of the chocolate you ate in the morning, you don’t remember that it made you happy because when you ate it your serotonin level was up. The dependence on the chocolate begins to decrease.”

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Posted by Nikita Gould - December 22, 2012 at 8:58 am

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Perfume-Making Tips : How to Make Chocolate-Scented Perfume

Perfume-Making Tips : How to Make Chocolate-Scented Perfume

I love chocolate. You love chocolate. We all love chocolate. In my case, I love it edible or non-edible. I particularly love chocolate-scented body oil, and perfumes aren’t too shabby!

To make chocolate-scented perfume, you are supposed to start with either chocolate fragrance oil or cocoa absolute, and then blending it with a high-proof alcohol as the carrier liquid. Interesting, eh?

Create a chocolate-scented perfume by heeding tips from a natural perfume producer in this video on perfumes, chocolate-scented, specifically!

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Posted by Nikita Gould - December 20, 2012 at 8:19 am

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , , ,

Making Straw Chocolate Creations

Making Straw Chocolate

Here’s a video of a chocolate chef making “straw chocolate.”  Put a pan in the freezer to get it ice cold. Take the pan out, lay it flat, and quickly drizzle the chocolate over the top.

When you’ve drizzled enough chocolate, scrape with spatula to release.  Bundled it up and use as desired.

(The chocolate should not be tempered.  Tempered chocolate would likely break when handled this way.  Untempered chocolate will bend allowing you to form into your creations.)

Take a look at the video to see how easy this is.

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Posted by Chocoholic - December 19, 2012 at 4:23 pm

Categories: chocolate videos   Tags: , ,

When buying a Fondue set, does it matter if the description says “chocolate”?

Question by adribug354: When buying a Fondue set, does it matter if the description says “chocolate”?
I’ve been looking at small fondue sets on amazon and a lot of them say “chocolate fondue set”. Would these work for cheese as well? I’m wanting to buy 2, but don’t want to spend tons of money and all the cheaper ones specify chocolate. Does it really matter?

Also, for anyone out there who does fondue a lot, do the kinds with tea lights work well?

Best answer:

Answer by Tina T
I would say you are okay with the ones that say chocolate…they can be used for cheese as well. The tealight ones really do not get hot enough in my opinion.

Have fun; fondue is great for small gatherings!!

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2 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Chocoholic - December 11, 2012 at 2:59 pm

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , , , ,

Chocolates Go Hand In Hand With Numbers?

Are you the type who cringes even at the thought of numbers? Some love crunching numbers, others are just plain allergic to it. Even with practice, a lot still can’t avoid dreading it. If you happen to be one of them, I’ve got news for you, and it’s a good one, especially if you al;o happen to love chocolate.

Did you know chocolate can help you deal with number more efficiently?. A group of researchers presented a study during the annual Brighton Show at the British Psychological Society. Such study demonstrates that chocolate, which contains compounds of flavanols (part of a group of chemicals called polyphenols), could make solving mental arithmetic more convenient for people.  It does this through increasing blood supply to the brain.

According to this groundbreaking research, the volunteers who were supplied with 500 mg of flavanols in their cocoa drinks were less likely to experience mental draining. Professor David Kennedy, director of the performance and nutrition research centre at Northumbria University and co-author of the study, said, “For things that are difficult to do, mentally demanding things that maybe crop up in your work, it could help.”

This particular study involved 30 volunteers in groups of three.  The participants were instructed to count backwards randomly between 800 and 999 as chosen by the computer. It was discovered that those who were given the cocoa drink first were quick and accurate with the calculations. Those who participated were also observed to be less tired even if they were asked to do the task over and over again within an hour.

To sum it all up, if you’re not the biggest fan of numbers, all you need is a bar of chocolate, a cocoa drink or anything rich in flavanols.  Then you can get on with your life without having to fear numbers. Pretty sugarcoated, but you get the picture, right?

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Posted by Nikita Gould - December 9, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , ,

how can i make “brownie” cake which is cake made of choclate served with hot liquid choclate ‘yammmmmy’ ?

Question by sandy moon: how can i make “brownie” cake which is cake made of choclate served with hot liquid choclate ‘yammmmmy’ ?

Best answer:

Answer by Muah!

6 oz. Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate (or use your favorite 70% dark chocolate bar)
6 oz. Butter (diced, room temperature)
3 Eggs
1/2 cup Granulated Sugar
1/3 cup Flour
Butter for Ramekins

How to Make It:

Preheat oven to 350°F
1. Melt chocolate on low flame in a bain-marie (double boiler). When melted, take of flame, and…
2. Stir in diced butter, until it melts.
3. In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar, until it starts to whiten.
4. Stir in melted chocolate and then the flour.
5. Butter 4 individual ramekins, and pour in chocolate batter.
6. Cook for about 10 minutes.
7. Tip ramekins upside down onto dessert plates and serve.


You can definitely prepare your chocolate lave cake recipe ahead of time, and then bake 10 minutes before serving. I always do it this way!

In terms of buttering the ramekins: butter the bottoms first, and then butter the sides, wiping from the bottom up to the top. It helps the chocolate to rise even more.

In terms of baking time… well, it depends on how runny you want it! I like it with a super-liquid-oozing center — so do my guests! For this, you want the top to be cooked through, but the center to be liquid. You can check with a toothpick after 10 minutes of baking.
If you don’t like liquid-center chocolate desserts, just cook for a little longer, and you will have an incredibly moist chocolate cake. So, either way, you can’t go wrong!

Add your own answer in the comments!

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2 comments - What do you think?
Posted by Chocoholic - December 8, 2012 at 2:00 pm

Categories: chocolate questions   Tags: , , , , , ,

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