Archive for June, 2014

How to Make Creamy Hot Cocoa

Keep some condensed milk in stock and ready for cold days, and make a batch of rich hot chocolate warm your loved ones.

Don’t know jack how to whip up your own? Watch this video and you might be the star of your home come cold days!


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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 30, 2014 at 4:00 pm

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Chocolate And Wine

Wine is sensational on its own, I know that all too well. But people nowadays find pleasure in pairing it with different foods as wine is said to intensify the taste. It pairs splendidly with a lot of food, even chocolate! When done correctly, it gives an interesting and flavorful blast in the mouth.

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on an appropriate type of chocolate. Ordinary chocolate bars you’ll find in your fridge aren’t good enough as they don’t contain  distinctive flavors. The best choice are gourmet chocolates, be it dark, milk, or white chocolate.

Regarding your wine of choice, you have to find one that is at least as sweet as the chocolate, perhaps even slightly sweeter. One thing you have to keep in mind when creating this pair is to make sure that the distance between the sweetness of the wine and chocolate shouldn’t be far. Otherwise, the sour notes of wine will make the combination horrible since the wine will make it appear hollow if it isn’t sweet enough.

In general, red wines go along better with chocolate compared to white wines. The acidity of sparkling wines and Champagne reacts with chocolate causing a bitter taste, but that’s not to say they can’t go along well together at all. Correct combination is always key.

Another thing to know about this pairing is that elegant flavored light chocolate taste better with lighter-bodied wines. The stronger the flavor of the chocolate, the more full-bodied wine you need for that perfect combination. Quality of wine is of the essence since bad wine only gets worse when paired with chocolate.

Always taste the wine first. Only then should you start enjoying your chocolate. Doing so paves way for proper assessment of the flavor and taste of the wine itself. Otherwise, your mouth and taste buds will be covered with a thin layer of cocoa butter. Since it is already overwhelmed with chocolate, it can prevent you to taste the wine.

It was once taboo, but pairing wine with chocolate is now becoming commonplace that some people have this particular pair as their comfort food!

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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 30, 2014 at 8:53 am

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Low Carb Chocolate Muffin – Only 3 Carbs Net Per Muffin – 6 Pack – Best Tasting Diet Product Ever!

Low Carb Chocolate Muffin – Only 3 Carbs Net Per Muffin – 6 Pack – Best Tasting Diet Product Ever!

Low Carb Chocolate Muffin - Only 3 Carbs Net Per Muffin - 6 Pack - Best Tasting Diet Product Ever!

  • 0 sugar – 0 Trans Fats – 0 Glueten – 0 Flour
  • Best Tasting Low Carb Product Ever!
  • Technologically Preserved for Freshenss – Not With Preservatives
  • Made with GMO Free Almond Meal
  • We bake in our local family owend bakery approved by the USDA, not in a commercial factory


Low in carbs, and yet delicious.
While one can argue whether carb-0-licious is brand or not, one thing is sure. We are not another multimillion dollar company trying to persuade you to buy something you don’t want in the first place. We are a small local family-owned bakery in NY sharing a piece of health with the world.
As third generation bakers, we were raised with cake and cookies as a means of Breakfast, Lunch and Supper.
We have always had a great sense for good and quality tasting mixtures, which is what kept our local business successful, while all other bakeries went broke to competition to big box stores.
But as we grew older, we started being more health conscious thinking there must be something better that we can do, something that could make a change in us as well as the entire neighborhood we live in and sell to.
And that’s when carb-0-licious was founded. Taking 3 generations and over 60 years of experience in baking, tasting and ingredients selection etc. we have made what is yet to be the future…
The Best Tasting Low Carb Muffin Guaranteed!
As a baker I can guarantee you, that this muffin tastes way better than the regular un-healthy stuff we have been selling for so many years.
Technologically Preserved for Freshness
We use a scientific means of preserving the freshness while in transit, to get you the ultimate fresh baked muffin without any preservatives added.
As soon as we finish the baking process, when the Muffins are still hot, we immediately pack them in air-tight packaging, and freeze them at a very deep temperature, thus preserving even the slightest particles evolving during the first moments of oven freshness.
We guarantee you the utmost freshness at time of delivery.
We ship all our products with USPS Priority Mail only, which insures a fast delivery and fresh product.

List Price: $ 14.99


More Chocolate Tasting Products

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Posted by Chocoholic - June 23, 2014 at 2:19 pm

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History of the Chocolate Chip Cookie

When it comes to what is the best type of chocolate chip cookies, we all have ou own opinion. It’s always about which is better, thin or thick cookies, or crisp or chewy cookies. I prefer a chewy chocolate chip cookie but with crisp outer edges, the best of both worlds if you ask me. Want to know more about its roots? Watch this.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 21, 2014 at 9:45 am

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Brownie Tidbits

We all have a soft spot for brownies. So here are some interesting information about it.

The first brownie was believed to be made in America. Some suggest and claim that it was originally from New England at the beginning of the 20th century.

Despite its being cake-like and being baked in a cake pan, brownies are considered as bar cookies instead of a cake.

Brownies can either be “cake-style” or “fudge-style”. Cake-style is that with the consistency of a cake, but with a thicker consistency. While, fudge-style is more like, yes, fudge than cake. It is the richer, denser, and creamier version of the brownie. The style of brownie is determined by the ratio of flour to chocolate and/or cocoa.

It goes without saying that brownie got its name from its dark brown color. But as expected, the origin of the “brownie” is covered in myth and stories that make all of us wonder which one is the real deal. One of the stories told is that a chef accidentally added melted chocolate to the batch of biscuits he was baking. Another one claims that a cook was baking a cake but had inadequate amounts of flour but baked it anyway, thus, making a brownie.

However, the most famous legend states that a housewife in Bangor, Maine, who was making a chocolate cake, forgot to add baking powder. When the cake didn’t rise, she just cut it and served pieces of the flat cake.

On the other hand, some state that the first known published recipe appeared in the Sears, Roebuck Catalogue in 1897, but that was a recipe for a molasses candy only called brownies. Nowadays, brownies are baked with either cocoa or melted chocolate or a combination of both.

Although the first few brownie recipes were published and modification to the recipe started in the beginning of the 20th century, it wasn’t until the 1920s that brownies became a well-loved treat in the department of baked chocolate goods. It still holds true today.

More Chocolate Information Articles


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Posted by Nikita Gould - June 19, 2014 at 9:49 am

Categories: chocolate articles   Tags: , ,