Archive for August, 2014

Eat Chocolate Cake Sans Feeling Guilty Afterwards

Studies have indicated that those who eat sweet treats with an attitude of celebration are more likely to stay fit compared with those who are often plagued with guilt after eating.  People who experience guilt are more likely to gain some unwanted pounds.

This research was published in the current online edition of the journal Appetite, and it shows that how we see treats, such as chocolate cake, is just as important as its caloric value when it comes down to expanding waistlines.

Feelings of guilt, for some reason, compel us to abandon our diet or fitness programs and drown ourselves in a regimen of unhealthy eating. On the flip side, if you deem chocolate a reward and something that you must celebrate, you are more likely to stick to your guns and adhere to your long-term weight loss goals.

Chocolate is considered as one of the hottest commodities in the world. People praise it for its taste, scent and texture, albeit they know that the finished products are packed with fat and sugar. Snacking on chocolate treats more than what is appropriate has been shown to be a major risk factor for obesity.

The latest research, by experts at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, displays that the effect on human behavior is vital, as well. This research, led by Dr Roeline Kuijer and Jessica Boyce, was an attempt to know whether guilt from devouring chocolate cake acted as an enticement to promote weight control, or undermined dieters’ willpower to succeed.

Me, I’m the type who just need to have her dessert. You all know that when I say “dessert”, I really mean chocolate. Not a day goes by without chocolate getting cozy with my palate. But that’s me. I don’t know about you. It actually doesn’t mess with my weight, mind you. I’m keeping it moderate, mate.


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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 27, 2014 at 8:25 am

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Funny Commercial Cadbury Chocolate ‘Wouldn’t it be nice’

A recent study indicates that when men crave food, they tend to crave fat and salt. When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate. Hmmmm. But whatever, everyone loves chocolate anyways! Here’s one of my favorite chocolate commercials.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 21, 2014 at 12:11 pm

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Chocolate Chip Cookie History


One of the most loved forms of chocolate is chocolate chip cookie. It never fails to uplift our spirits and give us a sense of comfort.

What most people are not aware of is that, just like many other inventions, these goodies were just made by accident and Ruth Graves Wakefield was responsible for such in the year 1933. Wakefield was the owner of the Toll House Inn, located in Whitman, Massachusetts. It was a well-known eatery that time. Wakefield’s strategy paved way for its popularity, she provided her customers a supplementary serving of food to bring home along with her homemade cookies as dessert.

One day, Wakefield was Butter Drop Do cookies which were allegedly her favorite. She usually made them with bakers’ chocolate, but she ran short of it. So she opted for Nestle semi sweet chocolate that was available in her kitchen. She mixed it into the mixture thinking it would melt and blend well. And to her dismay, they didn’t blend. Instead, the chocolate chips held their shape and softened to a creamy texture, and the rest is chocolate chip history.

Wakefield and Nestle settled with a conformity that would allow Nestle to print the “Toll House Cookie” recipe on its packaging. And what does Wakefield get in exchange? A lifetime supply of chocolates!

During World War II, Nestle Toll House Cookies were being sent to GI’s from Massachusetts and they would be handed out to other American soldiers. Afterwards, some soldiers wrote home asking for Nestle Toll House cookies, which made them in-high-demand.

Nonetheless, the history of chocolate chip cookies varies from one story to another. One of the other stories claims that George Boucher, together with his daughter Carol Cavanagh, worked at the Toll House inn. And they said that some Nestle chocolate bars by the shelf were accidentally dislodged and fell straight into a mixer that had cookie dough, forming little chunks of chocolate in the mix. Boucher claims Wakefield suggested to trash the dough mixture, but he insisted on keeping and baking it.

Despite the controversies in its history, it doesn’t change the fact that we all love chocolate chip cookies. Always have, always will!

More Chocolate Information Articles

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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 18, 2014 at 8:46 am

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The Face of Your Chocolate

Chocolate making is a thriving business, in which big companies make high profits. While the chocolate companies are competing for ever higher market shares and higher profits, a lot of cocoa farmers bear the costs by getting less and less share from the revenues.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 14, 2014 at 8:29 am

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Troubles With Banning Chocolate Milk

Recently, a pilot study done by scientists at Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab has shown that offering skim milk in lieu of chocolate milk during school lunch diminished the milk sales by 10% and amplified milk waste by 29%. 11 Oregon elementary schools participated in an effort to eliminate unnecessary sugar intake.

The school district’s PTA members were against chocolate milk, believing it’s equally bad as soda. Such a policy may get rid of the added sugar in chocolate milk, but it’s also in some sort asking for trouble, nutritional- and economic-wise. Little kids, more often than not, don’t choose foods for health, but instead for taste.

It has been said that these kids might even stop eating school meals altogether because of this. As a parent, you don’t want that. The students may have had less sugar and fewer calories following the switch, but they also ingested less protein and calcium.

The better option that came about was, instead of eliminating chocolate milk altogether, perhaps to make white milk seem more convenient and much more normal to choose. Simple solutions include putting the white milk in front of the cooler and see to it that at least a third to a half of all the milk is white.

Based on the National Dairy Council, flavored milk adds around 3% of added sugars to children’s diets. Compare that to sodas and fruit drinks, which make up about half of the added sugar and deliver “much less, if any nutritional value.”

When it comes down to it, the decision to ban flavored milk must be treaded lightly.

“Given that the role of the federal school meal program is to provide nutritious meals to students who may otherwise have no access to healthy foods, I wouldn’t recommend banning flavored milk unless you have a comprehensive plan in place to compensate for the lost nutrients when kids stop drinking milk altogether.”

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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 6, 2014 at 4:32 pm

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First taste of chocolate in Ivory Coast

You would think that chocolate is universal. Something that is everywhere, that everyone can enjoy. It’s not. There are people who have never tried it, even the farmers who break their backs to harvest cocoa beans for a few cents in the Ivory Coast. Watch their faces light up when they eat it for the first time.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - August 5, 2014 at 12:35 pm

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