Archive for September, 2014

Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks

Once the collagen underneath the skin is injured, stretch marks start developing. Stretch marks are usually because of several radical alterations within skin rigidity such as: weight increase, considerable weight deficit or pregnancy.

Among the most typical home treatments for stretch marks is topical treatment of cocoa butter. Is it any good? Watch this video.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 26, 2014 at 8:39 am

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Why We Save The Best Chocolate Piece For Last

Ed O’Brien, a researcher in social psychology at the University of Michigan, came up with the paper. He claims that our choices depend on the moment and also personal taste. Also, an essential circumstance here is knowing the end of an experience.

Based on O’Brien’s concept, endings and last chances have a different allure. He said: “I think in everyday life we do have this expectation that we save the best for last.”

“When people are given awareness that something is about to end, they’re kind of motivated to make the most of that experience,” he added.

Does it even have something to do with little stuff like savoring the last piece of chocolate? To verify the idea, O’Brien together with other researchers called for 52 students on the University of Michigan campus and requested them to be involved in a taste test.

Such students tried out different kinds of Hershey’s Kisses from caramel to almond to dark chocolate. Following the taste test, these students were required to rate their most favorite.

“So we had a big bag of candy that was covered from the outside and you couldn’t see what was in it or how many [chocolates were there],” he said.

Some of the students did not have any clue that the fifth chocolate was going to be their last one. In such case, the participants claimed that the last piece of chocolate they were able to taste was their favorite about 22% of the time.

On the other hand, another group of student was clued in that the fifth piece was going to be their “last.” And O’Brien suggests that such awareness about how the entire experience was ending somehow forced them to savor the chocolate even better.

He said: “The majority of people [64 percent] chose it as their favorite even though we’d randomly distributed the flavors,” .

Many studies have shown that the last things are actually more powerful. Why, you may ask. They usually are the freshest in our thoughts, that’s why. And O’Brien believes that the last-is-best thinking might be applied to romance and relationships.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 23, 2014 at 4:29 pm

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The Science of Chocolate

Chocolate may be bittersweet, literally and figuratively. Although chocolate comes with many benefits to your health and pleasure center, there are a lot of facts about it that make it even more interesting.

Sit back, relax, and watch this video.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 23, 2014 at 8:55 am

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Things Everyone Should Know About Dark Chocolate

Contrary to our common thinking, consumption of chocolates can possibly improve cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and the risk for diabetes. It may sound contradictory but it is true according to Harvard researchers. This study involved a review of 24 studies and 1,106 participants. And the said health benefits are due to the chocolate’s content called flavonoids which are of highest levels in the dark variants.

Dark chocolate is now established to be good for your health, since it has ingredients that can lower your blood pressure, considering you don’t abuse it.

Chocolate has a legion of diehard fanatics because of its flavor, but only a few dig the dark version. As much as I hate to admit it, dark chocolate is still a close second to chocolate varieties like milk chocolate or even the widely loved chocolate candy bars that have many other added ingredients like rice and peanuts to its mixture.

The bittersweet delight that comes with dark chocolate is yummier than it’s given credit for. The taste and the mouthfeel it gives is so intense. People who love it just can’t get enough of it. Some people can’t stand the strong taste, though. But who am I to judge them? Different folks different strokes, right?

Whichever type of chocolate you prefer, the most important thing to take into consideration is the quality of the ingredients. You can always stick with the most popular brands and well known quality brands, but you can also try out hole in the wall versions. You never know when you can find a treasure.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 11, 2014 at 8:30 am

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Chocolate Eyes Makeup Tutorial

Chocolate is indeed inspiring in the truest sense of the word. It actually inspires all the artists of different aspects of life, be it in the culinary world or cosmetics! Watch this video and look at how interesting a chocolate inspired makeup tutorial can be.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 8, 2014 at 8:23 am

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Brief Exercise Can Curb Chocolate Cravings

A recent study indicated that a 15-minute walk can decrease your consumption of chocolate by half during working hours.

The research was done by the University of Exeter. It turned out that employees eat only half as much chocolate as they typically would after a brief exercise, even when under pressure.

The research made use of a simulated work environment and 78 regular chocolate-eaters, who did not have any chocolate in the past two days, took part.

Two groups were required to walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes and were then given work to complete at their designated desks. One group’s tasks were much easier and less stressful as compared to the other group.

The other two groups were asked to rest before finishing the same tasks as the first batch. Just like the preceding two groups, one group’s tasks were less challenging and less demanding. Chocolate was put in a bowl the whole time they were working so they can reach for it easily.

Those who had a brief walk on the treadmill consumed about 15g, those who had a rest had about 28g. 15g is equivalent to a ‘treat size’ or ‘fun size’ chocolate bar.

The challenge or difficulty of the task they had to do didn’t affect their consumption of chocolate. Therefore, stress had nothing to do with their sweet-tooth cravings.

Professor Adrian Taylor of the University of Exeter, lead researcher, said: “We know that snacking on high calorie foods, like chocolate, at work can become a mindless habit and can lead to weight gain over time,”.

“We often feel that these snacks give us an energy boost, or help us deal with the stress of our jobs, including boredom. People often find it difficult to cut down on their daily treats but this study shows that by taking a short walk, they are able to regulate their intake by half.”, he added.

True enough, exercise has incredible impacts on mood and energy levels that it is even deemed to have the potential in managing addictions.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 4, 2014 at 8:55 am

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DIY Vanilla Cocoa Butter Lip Scrub

Keep your lips soft and protected from the harsh elements in with cocoa butter lip scrubs. You can actually make your own. Oh, it has been years since I started wanting to make one on my own. I think I found the best recipe for it.

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Posted by Nikita Gould - September 2, 2014 at 12:03 pm

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