Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?
Amy Asked: Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?
I'm starting to make and sell cakes for people and I need other people's preferences.
It's going to be chocolate cake and vanilla icecream.
I would personally prefer icing, but that's just me.
Sairaa Answered:
confused Answered:
i prefer icing
i prefer icing
Coolwhip yum
Coolwhip yum
Strong Bad Answered:
times like this I say, "Is it to much to ask for both?"
times like this I say, "Is it to much to ask for both?"
Angel Singh Answered:
i like how cool whip tastes sooo soft compared to the actual cake, so cool whip FTW!
i like how cool whip tastes sooo soft compared to the actual cake, so cool whip FTW!
Rico Answered:
The tiredness in me would prefer the sugar rush in the icing.
The tiredness in me would prefer the sugar rush in the icing.
Sam Disoosa Answered:
Fauzi Answered:
7) Meat with those buns
7) Meat with those buns
jadiva Answered:
Garlic butter
Garlic butter
Your Asianess Answered:
hmmm. either nutella or margarine
hmmm. either nutella or margarine
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Categories: chocolate questions Tags: Amy Asked, Angel Singh Answered, Rico Answered, Sam Disoosa Answered