Please help me learn to make chocolate truffles?
Question by Bri: Please help me learn to make chocolate truffles?
I’d like to make chocolate truffles but don’t know anything about them. (other than their wonderful taste) If you could give me any tips, or ideas, or even a walkthrough or helpful website that would be great. Thank You
Best answer:
Answer by dch1166
I just watched an episode of Good Eats last night with chocolate truffles. I hope the link helps.,,FOOD_9936_29057,00.html
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Learn About Wine and Chocolate Pairing and Tasting
Did you know that there are ways of enjoying Wine and Chocolate together? Well this video will show you how you enjoy having a wine and chocolate tasting event.
Our experts Evan Goldstein, showed Co-host, David Rogow the are of matching the two substance that we all can have fun. Also, in the video the San Diego Bay wine and Food Festival event will be shown to you so you can have a better understanding on how this event is being celebrated.
So learn more about wine and chocolate pairing and tasting.