When buying a Fondue set, does it matter if the description says “chocolate”?
Question by adribug354: When buying a Fondue set, does it matter if the description says “chocolate”?
I’ve been looking at small fondue sets on amazon and a lot of them say “chocolate fondue set”. Would these work for cheese as well? I’m wanting to buy 2, but don’t want to spend tons of money and all the cheaper ones specify chocolate. Does it really matter?
Also, for anyone out there who does fondue a lot, do the kinds with tea lights work well?
Best answer:
Answer by Tina T
I would say you are okay with the ones that say chocolate…they can be used for cheese as well. The tealight ones really do not get hot enough in my opinion.
Have fun; fondue is great for small gatherings!!
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as chocolait melts at 37% body heat and cheese melts at a higher temp this may be a problem if its an electric fondue set the thermostat may not go above 37% and if that’s so it wont be any good for any other foods .
but you can all ways ask before you buy
It takes less heat to keep the chocolate soft than the cheese, so no, you really can’t use the little tea lights for cheese, unless you plan to eat quickly.
Try a small crock pot.