Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?
Amy Asked: Would you rather coolwhip or icing on an icecream cake? The kind that is icecream AND actual cake?
I'm starting to make and sell cakes for people and I need other people's preferences.
It's going to be chocolate cake and vanilla icecream.
I would personally prefer icing, but that's just me.
i prefer icing
Coolwhip yum
times like this I say, "Is it to much to ask for both?"
i like how cool whip tastes sooo soft compared to the actual cake, so cool whip FTW!
The tiredness in me would prefer the sugar rush in the icing.
7) Meat with those buns
Garlic butter
hmmm. either nutella or margarine